Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Birthday Hangover
Hello and welcome back! I partied almost the whole of last night and woke up quite late today! Had a gala time with my friends...lots of booze, lots of my fave pastries and lots and lots of dance & fun! And I probably got the best surprise birthday gift ever...a Lop rabbit!!!

However, I had spent a long time on the net yesterday before the party, just to make sure that though I'm late on the net socials, I don't miss the best of it! So now Kate can be found not only here at blogger, but also at Myspace, Xanga, Yahoo!, and Google...not to mention Youtube and Flickr. and guess what, this was more of a surprise to my friends! They've been the true netizens for such a long time now and have always asked me to join the pack...Now that I did, they found it difficult to believe that I have gone everywhere in such a short while...but hey!!! That's Kate you're talking about!!! Everyone seemed to be pretty happy to have me in the "netizen pack", except Harry...He said my profile photo looked quite like a comic picture of Cleopatra! Well, isn't Cleo the one who have been the most known ruler of the then great Egyptian kingdom?

As I was reminiscing the bits and pieces of the wonderful yesterday, I realized that there's a lesser year I'll be in this world. Well, so many things have come to my mind since then and gone and so much I researched. Birthdays, now I realize, are a lot more than gifts and fun! A lot more than celebration. It's an age old tradition that had it's origin in Persia and spread to different parts of Europe and eventually morphed according to the diverse cultural heritages. I'd really like to know and post more about it here...but later! That would be all for now, as I realize this post has actually become too long!


posted by Kate at 3:23 PM | Permalink |