Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Birthday Celebration on New Year's Eve
Hey! I'm sure your Christmas celebration was really cool. Now what about the New Year celebration? The last weekend one my Spanish friend -- Sara, mailed me sharing a wonderful idea of celebrating the birthday on New Year. Last year Pablo, her brother, waited for 15 long days to launch his birthday party on the New Year eve. "Era estupendo", said Sara. "It was a great fun", she meant to say. I know this because she often use this whenever she talks about fun that she had sometimes in the past. Anyway, that's a great idea indeed. For those whose birthday is on the first day of the year, each year starts with all special things. But if your birthday is sometimes very near the New Year eve, you can launch for a grand birthday celebration on the New Year's eve. The good point here is, you can save a lot of money by throwing a two-in-one party for your birthday as well as for New Year. So it's not only going to be a prefect blast but economic too at the same point of time. If you're planning for a New Year birthday party, launch it on New Year eve and reach out to your friends and loved ones with cool birthday invitation. All the more its going to be a perfect time to declare your New Year resolution and get to know about that of your guests too.


posted by Kate at 6:02 AM | Permalink | 5 comments